#03 - Genômica × Zootecnia de precisão: Como o melhoramento genético de aves está avançando?

A nice chat for the O Aviario Podcast show, where we discuss the recent advances in genomics and precision livestock farming applied to poultry production. [In portuguese]

#12 - Dr. Anderson Alves: Genetics, machine learning, and technology
My participation in the Poultry Podcast Show

CGIL seminar Winter 2022 - Dr. Anderson Alves
My talk for the CGIL (Centre for Genetic Improvement of Livestock) Winter Seminar at the University of Guelph.


SNCT 2020 - IFMA SRM: Palestras de 04/11/2020 (Manhã)

An informal conversation hosted by the ABZ-CE (Brazilian Association of Animal Science, Ceara State) about the potential and skills of the animal scientist. (In portuguese)